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Choose Your Approach to Investing
MissionSquare Retirement helps public sector employees invest so they can realize retirement.
1) Build Your Own Portfolio
Combine individual stock and bond funds in a diversified portfolio.
2) Keep It Simple
Target-date and target-risk funds offer diversification and risk management in one fund.
3) Have Your Accounts Managed for You
Get ongoing account management – Guided Pathways® Advisory Services, which includes Managed Accounts*
- Diversify with investment options from a variety of fund companies in 457 or 401 employer plans and IRAs.
Learn More
- Learn more about choosing your investing approach.
- Want more investment choices? You may be eligible for the MissionSquare Brokerage Program, providing access to thousands of additional mutual funds as well as ETFs and individual stocks, bonds and CDs.
- Questions? Contact your MissionSquare Retirement representative.
* Managed Accounts is not available in all 401/457 plans.