Target-Date Retirement Funds

Simplify and diversify at the same time according to your investing time horizon!

Target-date funds, also referred to as target-retirement or life-cycle funds, offer diversification and a strategy that seeks to reduce your investment risk over time, all in one fund.

The funds invest in a variety of underlying funds in proportions that gradually become more conservative over time. You pick the specific fund that currently has the right mix for you of different types of investments, such as stocks and bonds, knowing that the fund's risk level is designed to become more conservative over time.

Each fund has a target date in its name that corresponds to the date upon which you expect to begin to take gradual withdrawals, such as soon after your retirement.

It is important to understand that the funds are designed to be withdrawn over a long retirement period and are not designed to prevent losses. Although the amount of risk they take is designed to decline over the years, they will continue to invest in some higher-risk assets even after the target date is reached.

The Target Funds are target-date funds available to certain 401 and 457 plan investors as underlying funds of the VantageTrust, and RHS plan investors as underlying funds of VantageTrust II.

Log in to your account to view availability and fee-adjusted profile information.

Target-Date Funds
Fund Name
Target-Date Funds
MissionSquare Retirement Target Income Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2020 Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2025 Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2030 Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2035 Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2040 Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2045 Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2050 Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2055 Fund
MissionSquare Retirement Target 2060 Fund

Please note that the Target Funds are not a complete solution for all of your retirement savings needs. An investment in a Target Fund includes the risk of loss, including near, at or after the target date of the applicable Target Fund. There also is no guarantee that a Target Fund will provide adequate income at and through an investor's retirement. Selecting a Target Fund does not guarantee that you will have adequate savings for retirement.

As always, be sure to review your overall investment strategy (see how MissionSquare Retirement can help). Prefer a simple, diversified approach that invests according to your comfort level with risk? Then learn more about the Target-Risk Funds.

Investors should carefully consider their own investment goals, risk tolerance and liquidity needs before making an investment decision. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of the amount invested. The Funds’ offering and disclosure documents include a complete summary of all fees, expenses, financial highlights, investment objectives and strategies, and risks, and should be carefully reviewed before investing. This information is available when you log in at, or upon request by calling (800) 669-7400.

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