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Employment Transition Resources

MissionSquare Retirement helps public sector employees build retirement security. But life events, such as a job loss or unexpected early retirement, can disrupt this goal; these are often highly emotional and sensitive occurrences, both for employees and employers.

We recognize the increasing pressures on the public sector to deal with budget challenges and have prepared the following resources to help. For more information, please contact your MissionSquare Retirement representative or call (800) 669-7400 (participants) or (800) 326-7272 (plan sponsors).

To do listEmployment Transition

What financial steps should employees take when facing a job loss or unexpected early retirement?

  • A summary of key takeaways when facing unemployment concerns. Considerations include unemployment insurance, health care, and managing and protecting your financial assets. Includes a listing of website resources.

Retirement Plan Rollovers and Withdrawals

The decisions employees make with their retirement plans at transition points in their careers may have a substantial impact on how much money is available to them upon retirement.

The Roll-In Decision

  • A brief, objective overview of the options participants have for their retirement plans when leaving an employer, including understanding the impact of taking early withdrawals.

Roll in your money to your MissionSquare account today!

  • MissionSquare Retirement's paperless rollover process allows you to easily consolidate your savings and further enjoy your MissionSquare Retirement plan benefits.

Financial Planning Assistance

You are eligible to receive objective financial plans at no cost to you as you reach a certain savings level. Schedule an appointment with your MissionSquare Retirement Plans Specialist to learn more.

Track Your Income, Expenses, and Assets

Following a budget and assessing your cash flow and assets become even more important during life events such as a job loss. Various calculators and worksheets are available online (the U.S. government has several on the site). Or, if you prefer, print and complete the following MissionSquare Retirement handouts.

Cash Flow Statement

Net Worth Statement

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